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Feeling your DESIGN  - A different kind of LYD

  • Les Fous Du Village Maison Sorhaburu Saint-Esteben France (carte)

The workshop will be led by Nisarg Nikiel, over 25 years in design and 22 years as a teacher trained by Ra Uru Hu. As a reflector she is ideally placed to teach the Living your Design course and especially themes around emotional awareness. Her mantra - feeling is healing - accompanies all her workshops. It doesn’t matter if you are open or defined, the workshop will address both sides of the coin. Both the open and the defined solarplex center has received heavy conditioning, triggers, red buttons…

It’s like an onion that needs peeling, layer by layer to discover what life can look like when emotional reactivity is replaced by awareness. Nisarg, with her 7 activations in the emotional center and her sun in the 22, can be seen as “an emotional reflector”. In other words, when you stand in front of her it is highly likely that your repressed emotional field gets mirrored back and you can have a surprising encounter with yourself.


She is capable to show how certain emotions, when not recognised, can twist reality.
Before meeting Design, Nisarg was involved with emotional therapy practices, particularly methods proposed by Osho. These 2 disciplines, human design and therapy - makes for a rich combination to explore the emotional center.  

MORNING : exploration of the 8 centers and 4 types
AFTERNOON : exploration of the emotional center and individual charts - Nisarg’s capacity to feel your design rather than read it, gives each participant a chance to encounter their mechanics in a new, deeper way.

A unique teaching !
A practical experiment coupled with a personalised approach according to the charts of the small group, will guarantee a deep dive for each participant.
The course will be facilitated by 3 other people, all experiencing design.
The 4 types will be present and allow type based experimentation !

NiISARG’S TEAM OF ELFS and their take on emotional awareness:


Emotional Projecteur 4/6
I am the facilitator of Les fous du Village community where we live and work together since 2014. I’m now convinced after 10 years of living together that emotional awareness is a key element to making the place work. Yes we are all aware of our designs and uniqueness, whereas to be in successful interactions, in my view, this is not enough. Too often when I look out into the Human Design community, I hear and see people defending their designs, this is a way to cut oneself from the interaction and often leads to conflict. Emotional intelligence is essential in harmonising relationships between individuals and learn from each other. 


Splenic Manifesting Generator 3/6
Passionate about human relations, I have worked in conflict management for the last 20 years in various fields. However my biggest teacher has been my emotional generator daughter (all 3 channels between root and emotions defined), while my solar plexus is totally open. She gave me the opportunity to dive into the emotional field 24/7. Thanks to human design and active listening to the tears and anger of my child, I was able to deepen my approach and transmit fundamental experience. Today, communication where individual emotions are respected and recognised are at the heart of my practice

Margot FABRE :

Emotional Manifestor 6/3
Being a manifestor with the emotion center directly linked to the throat is not alway easy. I say what I feel (sometimes I don’t even say a word) and people get agitated and react in a way that makes no sense to me. And I’m left there, with people telling me it’s my fault where I was just being in my own emotional world. There was a time where people's reaction triggered me and my feelings intensified, impacting them even more. You can imagine that the cycle we were stuck in very rarely ended up well. Human Design has brought me so much peace by allowing me to understand that nothing goes wrong and no one is wrong when it happens. And now that I don’t have to fix myself of fix other people … I have so much more time to enjoy life !

WHERE? THE « FOUS DU VILLAGE » in The French Basque Country

A unique place in the French Basque country where Human Design is already alive within a collective: come and meet the team that lives, manages and animates this atypical place taking advantage of the Human Design system. A place where the unique designs are taken into consideration as well as the emotional energy field. A living proof where the information is applied and where it brings a prosperous and harmonic way to share resources and space together. You will sleep in comfortable beds and eat garden produce as well as tasty organic farm food. Allergies and food preferences will be taken into account and whether you are a vegetarian or a full-blown carnivore you will surely have your tastebuds tickled. There will be time to go for walks and discover the beautiful hills and surroundings. There is a sauna and a pool, if you are up for some hot-cold shocks.

If you want more information or need to discuss with someone,
please do not hesitate to contact Nina

- + 33 6 81 25 69 94


Dates: 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 February and 1st of March 2025
Arrival: 23rd of February and departure the 2nd of March.
EARLY BRD registration before 15/01/25 : 1200 € all inclusive ! 
Registration after 15/01 2025 : 1350 €
Included in the price: 
- Pick up and drop off (Biarritz airport or train station)
- Full board 23/02-02/03 2025 (shared rooms, own aura sleeping guaranteed)
- The course

TO REGISTER send an email to, you will be sent the details to make a down payment of 300 euros.

Événement antérieur: 14 février
S’inspirer pour Inspirer